Take action - Play Global Ultimatum

Global Ultimatum is a table top RPG similar to DnD, but much better!

We strive to encurage young players to get educated, explore and experience the world of sustainability.

Instead of slaying dragons, you kick racism in the face! 

By solving the UN:s Global Goals in a realistic fantasy setting, the heavy topics become much more approchable since we know how overwhelming these issues can be

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What is Global Ultimatum?

Global Ultimatum is a rule book that comes with 5 charachersheets and 4 stopcards. The game is played by choosing one Game Master who writes the adventure that the rest of the players go on. The players use the characher sheets to create the character they will be playing. The rules have a D-20 base, meaning that they are quick to learn and easy for new players to get into. 

We aim to make the game easy to play but never boring! Meaning that the gameplay will be adaptable the players skillevel by the Game Master!

By having speaking, healing, huring, escaping and survining, you too can take action!

The Who's and How's

Global Ultimatum UF is a small consisting of  the CEO, wrighter, gamedeveloper, finacial manager and national tresure, Teodora and the nr. baddie, aka quality controller Celestine. 

You can see all our misadventures on Youtube, gametesting and follow the game making prosses on instagram!

Global Ultimatum sustainably sorces, pruduces and distribited. The envierment is always at the forfront of our minds when putting this game into producion! Aligning with  our obvious main goal of inspiering you to do the same!

Playing Global Ultimatum only requiers an open mind and a desire to start doing something useful!

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