Kajakkspesialisten and Norwegian Wood Paddles movies

Here you will find movies made either by Kajakkspesialisten or by others who have made beautiful movies of either Kajakkspesialisten or building a kayak here. There are especially two people who deserve to be mentioned here. Silje Ensby and Peter Gengler. They both make very spectacular movies. Also, please visit Dubsides website and movies. You will find most of the Kajakkspesialisten movies and the new DIY videos ond Vimeo and on Youtube also. Below you find a small selection and links.

Anders Thygesen: https://vimeo.com/andersthygesen and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLKgFtnqMtZ4MsbjnktYoQ 

Peter Gengler: https://vimeo.com/user6820818

Silje Ensby: https://www.siljeensby.com/ og https://vimeo.com/ensby

Dubside: http://qattaarneq.com/ og https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTn506kZDx2DMzqHGgL8-hg

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